| 1. | Effect of scalp acupuncture point blocking on children nervous deafhess 头皮穴封对小儿神经性耳聋的作用 |
| 2. | Chlorpromazine treat bigotry against the current by acupuncture points 氯丙嗪穴位注射治疗顽固性呃逆39例 |
| 3. | Tetragenous injection acupuncture point therapy for severe and acute asthma 四联针穴位注射治疗急性哮喘疗效分析 |
| 4. | The facial paralysis treated with acupuncture and injection acupuncture point : 84 cases reported 针刺加穴位注射治疗周围性面瘫84例 |
| 5. | Cases of habitual constipation treated with acupuncture point in ear combined drug treatment 温针灸配合走罐法治疗腰肌劳损疗效观察 |
| 6. | On these 12 meridians are 365 acupuncture points , one for each day of the year 这12个经脉有365个针灸点,每一点代表一年里的某一天。 |
| 7. | Effect of two kinds of combination of selected acupuncture points on postoperative enteroparalysis 两种配穴法针灸治疗手术后肠麻痹疗效观察 |
| 8. | Clinical study on acupuncture therapy and press acupuncture point on ear treatment for simple fatness 腹针透刺配合耳穴贴压治疗单纯性肥胖症的临床研究 |
| 9. | On experiences of selecting and adjuncting acupuncture points in treating gynecopathy from professor lian yulin 浅谈廉玉麟教授治疗妇科病的选穴配穴经验 |
| 10. | Clinic and related immune factor study of catgut implantation and injection at acupuncture point on psoriasis 穴位埋注法治疗银屑病临床及相关免疫因子研究 |